For automotive professionals

TEXA was formed in 1992 by its current CEO, Bruno Vianello, with his friend and partner, Manuele Cavalli. Today TEXA is a global leader in the design, development and production of multibrand diagnostic tools, exhaust gas analysers, air conditioning recharge stations and telediagnostic devices for cars, bikes, trucks, boats and farm machinery.

TEXA has an extensive, worldwide distribution network and employs over 450 people, 350 of whom are based in the company’s head offices in Monastier di Treviso, where all TEXA products are designed, developed and made. TEXA’s ultra-modern production plant was inaugurated in 2012 and occupies over 100,000 square metres of grounds, with 30,000 square metres indoors. The new plant is a monument against delocalisation and the depersonalisation of labour. Side by side with advanced work environments it contains social and relaxation areas constructed according to local architecture and traditions.

Via 1 Maggio, 9
31050 Monastier di Treviso (TV) Italy

Administrative headquarters and plant:
Via Vallio, 15
31050 Monastier di Treviso (TV) Italy

Tel. +39 0422 791 311
Fax. +39 0422 791 300